Brazilian Sugar Exports Seen Falling by 3mn T in 2021/22
SAO PAULO: Brazil’s centre-south sugar exports are expected to fall by 3 million tonnes in the 2021/22 season that starts in April, to 26.5 million tonnes, as a smaller sugar cane crop will cut the sweetener’s production, according to a report on Wednesday.
Agricultural analyst Agroconsult projects centre-south sugar production to fall to 35.8 million tonnes in 2021/22 from 38.4 million tonnes in the previous season as total cane crush is estimated to fall 3.3% to 585 million tonnes due to dryer-than-normal weather in the region.
Brazil’s central areas had below-average rains during most of the cane development period that runs from late last year to now.
The reduced rainfall has also delayed the start of the crushing season, with most mills deciding to kick off crushing later to give plants more time to grow.
Agroconsult also expects smaller cane-based ethanol production in the new season, at 28.1 billion liters from 30 billion liters in the previous crop.
The consultancy’s sugar analyst, Fabio Meneghin, said sugar content in cane is expected to be smaller this year, at 142.4 kg per tonne of cane from 146.4 kg/tonne in 2020/21.
The firm projects a slightly larger global sugar supply deficit in the international 2021/22 season (Oct-Sept) at 1 million tonnes, versus a deficit of 200,000 tonnes in 2020/21.