Tsubaki Heavy Duty Drive Chain NEW G8 Series release
Tsubaki G8 Series
Nowadays, Good production need to be fast and able to promptly response to customers’ need. Sometimes factories have to increase production capacity in order to immediately response to usage demand. For Sugar factories, increasing production capacity by enlarging the machine size or production quantity result in increasing work load of sugarcane ‘s drive and conveyor unit. This will reduce their service life or make us cannot use same drive unit. There are many problems when factories enlarge their drive units as following;
1. Users have to change new sprocket because sprocket of drive unit is larger. It is difficult to modify with limited area and incur more expenses due to larger sprocket.
2. For larger sprocket size, to maintain same rotational speed requires bigger sprocket diameter. Same drive unit area maybe not suitable, or have to modify the machine layout which is difficult.
3. Chain with larger size will be difficult for installation
4. Total cost of Drive unit will be increased.
From problems mentioned above, Tsubakimoto suggests alternative solution for customer which is Heavy Duty Chain.
This chain allows for higher capability, unnecessary to change chain size or drive sprocket.
From previous article, Tsubakimoto’s Heavy Duty Chain has been developed capability of Maximum Allowable Load and Minimum Tensile Strength compare with standard chain models. There are 4 series as above photos.
Tsubakimoto has provided convenience method for chain selection by using kW rating table (refer Tsubakimoto specification).
There is an example for using heavy duty chain to solve the problem as follow; in case customer is using RS160-1, 15 teeth small sprocket, rotation speed 50 rpm, and motor 25 kW. If they would like to increase size of motor by 40% (to 35 kW) the same chain is not suitable, but need to change to RS180-1. They have to change sprocket which its weight 50% more, chain’s weight 33% more, in order to cope with 36.5 kW motor (information from Tsubakimoto catalogue).
On the other hands, if customer considers to use RS160-SUP-1, there is no need to change new sprockets. The chain can handle up to 39.2 kW (information from Tsubakimoto catalogue).
Heavy Duty Chain is one interesting option for factories which need to increase their production capacity with less investment.
Tsubakimoto via e-mail: info@tsubakimoto.co.thfrom us, please contact us.Tel : +66 226206679