De Smet Diffuser: a Solution for SEA Sugar Production Growth
De Smet Engineers & Contractors (DSEC) is a well known sugar diffusion expert, owner of the De Smet diffuser design that was developed in the 50’s by M. Jean-Albert De Smet as an application of the famous edible oil continuous counter-current extractor.
The De Smet diffuser can be used alternatively for beet and cane diffusion and is still today the most efficient diffuser for sugar cane extraction with over a hundred-unit sold around the world (cane and beet).
It represents the best sugar extraction system in areas where beet and cane are cultivated, allowing to extend and optimize the use of a single diffusion unit beyond the cane campaign.
The literature as well as all operators who have used the De Smet diffuser will confirm the many advantages it offers not only when compared to mill tandem but also to other types of diffusers.
These advantages leading to an exceptional TOC (Total Ownership Cost) are summarized below:

• Lower investment cost; not only because of reduced equipment cost but also thanks to minimum civil works and building involved;
• Reduced operating costs mainly through the low energy requirement and the optimization of all operational parameters;
• Reduced maintenance costs that have proven to be as low as half of the cost related to mill tandem having the same processing capacity thanks to mild wearing conditions. It’s worth mentioning that a diffuser build in the 60’s has recently undergone its first major overhaul. In another installation, running parts are still not presenting any sign of significant wear after 8 years of operation.
• Moreover, all maintenance activities can be executed on site with the available resources. No need to transfer parts to specialized workshops;
• Reduced combined operating and maintenance costs for the whole diffuser in the order of magnitude of the costs of one single set of mill tandem;
• Increased extraction performances by at least 1 or 2 point(s);
• Lowest absorbed electrical power on the market. DSEC’s largest diffusers are driven by two motors of less than 40 kW;
• Improved chemical and bacteriological quality of the juice as the level of infection is kept close to zero and requires only simplified clarification and filtration station;
• Controlled extraction of non-sugar thanks to the diffusion process;
• Drastically reduced sugar losses due to the low microbiological activity;
• Increased global sugar recovery thanks to higher extraction and lower losses;
• Reduced use of chemicals in the process providing a more environmentally friendly operation;
• Large utilization of locally sourced construction materials and labour so as to limit import parts to key components.

In addition to De Smet diffusers operating in France, Nicaragua, Malawi, Swaziland, South Africa, Reunion, Fiji, India, Vietnam, Brazil, Pakistan, Zambia and Ethiopia, the diffuser recently commissioned in Thailand for KSL Group is a good example of DSEC’s expertise:
• World largest bagasse diffuser !
• On time execution and delivery;
• Fast track implementation and commissioning;
• Trust in the competence of our engineers;
• Demonstrated flexibility;
• Unfailing availability;
• Excellent productivity of the whole line.
Thanks to its broad and established experience in the sugar industry, DSEC has been naturally led to question and rethink important aspects of the crystallisation process. The result of this is today providing the market with significant performance improvement of the whole refining process as well as with a large range of optimized, robust and proven process components such as:
• Seeding systems;
• Vacuum Pans;
• Crystallizers;
• Masse-Cuite Distributors;
• Melters.
Moreover, DSEC’s expertise encompasses the complete range of project implementation activities from feasibility studies, FEED and basic engineering to full EPC implementation, all in accordance with its ISO 9001:2015 certification. On top of state-of-the art execution standards, DSEC also makes a point of honor to respect the 10 principles of the United Nation Global Compact that define the foundation of a corporate sustainability, meeting the fundamental responsibilities in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anticorruption.
De Smet Engineers & Contractors Watson & Crick Hill | Building JRue Granbonpré 11 – Box 8B-1435 Mont-Saint-Guibert | Belgium
Tel : + 32 10 43 43 00